Redesign your brain

영어 프레젠테이션 무작정 따라하기, 이지윤 본문

읽고 또 읽고/프레젠테이션

영어 프레젠테이션 무작정 따라하기, 이지윤

bangla 2016. 5. 8. 10:16

반 정도만 읽음


I hope this presentation doesn't make you doze off.

Hope most of you are well today.


As most of you already know

I think most of you know me already, but just in case you don't remember, I'm …


Let me start by saying just a few words about myself.

Let me just start off by introducing myself.


The subject of my presentation is to give you a brief outline of our sales strategies.

The topic(title) of today's presentation is how to improve our efficiency.


I'd like to let you know the special features in our new product.


The important message I would like to deliver throughout this presentation is that in int'l negotiations cultural differences must be taken into account.

I would like to be heard on the following points that I make.

The crux of this presentation is to emphasize the application of new programs we adopted a few months ago.


The aim of this presentation is to update you on our latest int'l deals.

The purpose of this presentation is to suggest some alternatives to our restructuring plans.

The goal of this presentation is to clarify some issues in our new employment policy.

The bottom line of this presentation is to suggest some ways to raise the competitiveness of our latest products.


This talk is designed to emphasize…

This presentation is prepared to update our current status in the domestic steel market.

This presentation is organized to give you a brief outline of our new business.


The purpose of this presentation is to come up with some policies to raise sales.

This talk is organized to emphasize the importance of making a new logo to refreshen our company images.

The bottom line of this presentation is to suggest some action plans to improve the quality of our latest products.


Now, let me begin the presentation by showing you some numbers (asking you some question, outlining out company policy)

Let me start off by discussing these figures (outlining current status)

I will begin by looking at some of these sales figures.

I will begin by introducing some of the issues dealt with in this presentation.

I will begin by going over the main points of my presentation.

I'd like to open up by distributing a short summary of last year's sales figures.


Let's get the show on the road.

Let's get the show on the road with a few observation about R&D.

Let's get ball rolling by giving you a brief outline.

Let's get cracking by explaining the latest findings.


Without further delay, let me summarize our current sales strategies.

I 'd like to outline my presentation before jumping into the background information.

Let's begin by looking at the advantages of the new system.


Like every great classic story, I've divided my presentation into three acts. - Steve Jobs


There are three main things dealt with in my presentation: first, the background, second, the current situation, and lastly, the future implications.


Following that, I will walk you through the current expense reporting procedure.


Then, I am going to go over our financial report for the year 2009.

And then, I will focus my attention on the difficulties that we are likely to face in the future.

Next, I'd like to review the twelve-moth project plan.

Finally, I'll talk about the many advantages we possess over our competitor.

Lastly, I'd like to propose some detailed strategies to increase next year's sales revenues.

And last but not least, I'll cover our corporate restructuring plan.


My presentation will take only 20 minutes of your time.

This presentation will take about one hour, but there will be a ten-minute break in the middle.

This talk will be fore the next 30 minutes.


After my presentation, there will be time for a discussion and any questions that you may have.

We will endeavor to answer all your questions at the end of this presentation.

I'd be glad to answer any questions at the end of my presentation.

We'll take short break 30 minutes after the presentation.


There will be a short discussion after the talk.

There will be a heated debate after my talk.


I've been allotted half an hour for this talk.

I've been allotted enough time of discussion after the talk.


I plan to be brief.

This information packet contains additional data and information so that you may have a better understanding of this situation.


Just like most great classical concerts, there are three parts in my presentation. There are three main points I'll talk about regarding effective communication in a team: first, the need to understand what's being said by the team leader and coworkers; second, the need to understand how people behave; and third, how you should be responsible for what you said.

I plan to be brief. I've been allotted 15 minutes for this presentation, and will do my best to stick to that time frame. Please feel free to interrupt me, if you have any questions.


I will begin by summarizing the contents of my presentation. Firstly, I'll give you a brief history of the project to date. Following that, I will walk you through the current expense reporting procedure. Then, I am going to go over our financial report for the year 2009. Lastly, I'd like to propose some detailed strategies to boost up next year's sales revenues.

This presentation will take about one hour, but there will be a ten-minute break in the middle. Refreshments will be provided for you during the break. We will endeavor to answer all your questions at the end of this presentation. This information packet is now being distributed to you contains additional …


좋은 인상을 주는 발표자는

  • 자신이 소개될 때 단정한 자세로 앉아 기다린다.
  • 호명되어 자리에서 일어날 때 느긋함을 잃지 않는다. 책상이나 의자를 짚고 힘겹게 일어나지 않는다.
  • 상 받으러 나가는 사람과 같은 표정으로 활기차게 연단으로 나간다.
  • 미소를 띄고 있어 마치 프레젠테이션을 하게 된 것에 대해 무척 즐거워하는 것처럼 보인다.
  • 첫 이야기를 하기 전에 객석의 여기저기를 미소를 띄며 바라본다.
  • 미리 준비된 아이디어로 오프닝을 시작한다.


    How would you go about improving your communication skills?

    How would you go about promoting our marketing strategies?


    This talk is important to those who view corporate investments as a key revenue strategy.

    This presentation is beneficial to those who want to improve customer relations.


    You will take away tips on how to manage your teams.

    You will take away the important elements of how to communicate effectively in the workplace.


    This presentation introduces you to effective coaching methods to be utilized in a team.

    This discussion reports on the upcoming challenges our company faces.


    Today's presentation will let you see how you can increase efficiency in your organization by using this system.

    This presentation will help you see the importance of NGO's in civil movements.

    Today's talk will let you understand the reasons behind this year's budget cuts.


    I believe that today's presentation will be of great value to those seeking investment opportunities in Korea.


    How many of you here agree with me that the Internet can be fatal to children? This presentation introduces you to the risks behind Internet usage for children. … Put yourselves into the shoes of parents and children. What can we do to protect our children from these harmful websites?

