목록읽고 또 읽고/언어 (87)
Redesign your brain
영어회화 무작정 따라하기, 오석태 I've got to get some air. I keep meaning to drop by, but I never get a chance. Get regular exercise. Better get some dinner. Let me get the elevator. Let me get the door for you. Go get your purse. Things have gone too far. I'm gonna leave in a minute. It leaves at ten sharp. You left me speechless. We need some good word of mouth. 입소문.. You need to go somewhere you can get a ..
출발어, 도착어, 능동언어, 수동언어
It is privilege for me to chair this session. I want to express, on behalf of Dr. Kim, his regret for not being able to be present. Due to some unexpected business in Tokyo, he had to cancel at the last minute. There is a limit of 15 minutes for each speaker. Please keep to your time limit so that we can give everybody an opportunity to speak. For those of you standing in the rear, there are som..
잠수네 영어 초기 단계에는 흘려듣기, 집중듣기, 책읽기의 수순으로 진행 미드나, CNN, TED 등의 강연을 보면서 쉬기, 공부의 압박을 받으며 영어를 하느냐, 편안하게 영어를 하느냐의 기로는 흘려듣기 습관을 어떯게 잘 잡는가에 달려 있음.
I appreciate your taking time with me. It's very nice of you to see me off. It's very nice of you to help me with my homework. I'm sorry to have troubled you. I'm glad everything worked out fine. I'm trying to learn it by heart. I was just going to send you a text message. This is going to be embarrassing/interesting. This is going to sound really selfish. This is what I call baseball. That's wh..
Why are you smiling so broadly? I got her digits. Go get her! What do you have to lose? Haven't I seen you somewhere before? You are between girls, right? Yes, I just got over a bad break up. I'm paying you back for your poor treatment of me. I unfriended my ex-boyfriend yesterday. Stop playing dumb. Admit it, you like her! Snap out of it! You almost drove off the side of the road! I have to hav..