Redesign your brain

Real & Live, 박윤주 본문

읽고 또 읽고/언어

Real & Live, 박윤주

bangla 2016. 5. 16. 18:24

Why are you smiling so broadly?

I got her digits.


Go get her! What do you have to lose?


Haven't I seen you somewhere before?


You are between girls, right?

Yes, I just got over a bad break up.


I'm paying you back for your poor treatment of me.


I unfriended my ex-boyfriend yesterday.


Stop playing dumb. Admit it, you like her!


Snap out of it! You almost drove off the side of the road!


I have to have candy floss when I go to theme parks!

Act your age!


I'll take the fifth. I refuse to answer this line of questioning.



Don't take it so hard, you'll do better next time.


I feel like a third wheel. 괜히 끼어…


Go ahead and try. I'm right behing you.


I am what I am and I do what I do.


You have a good taste in music.

I really try to follow the latest bands.


I will have to take a rain check. 다음으로 미루…


We've got good chemistry.


So what did you think of our audition?

You rock! It sounded great.


They are a match made in heaven.


I got stood up. 바람 맞다.


Look who's talking. 사돈 남말.


No need to stand on ceremony at my house.

I'm never one to stand on ceremony.

불편하게 생각 X


He reads people well. 눈치가 빠르다.


Best bet is that he's at the playground with his friends.


I'm so flattered.


I moved heaven and earth. 이것 저것 해봄.


Let's change the scenery. How about a change of scenery.


I had a hunch that you would come today.

I mean, it's just my hunch.


I'm flying high. 날아갈 것…

I'm as happy as a clam.


Aren't you just getting fed up with that stuff?


I can tell he's tired. He has bags under his eyes.


Somebody hit him with an ugly stick. -못생


Can you help my fiend buy some new clothes? He's clueless.


She's so nosey. 오지랍.


You're so wishy-washy. 우유부단


Someday you'll feel really sorry for yourselves.


Please put yourself in my shoes.


Why torture yourself?


He's behind the eight ball 큰일 … 당구에서


It's a handed down from my mother.


It's in this year. 올해 유행


He is a sharp dresser.

She is very fashionable.


You got ripped off. 바가지


What a bargain. That's good deal.


It was 0 out of 10.

<-> She is a 10 out of 10.


You fail to see forest for the trees.


He is a machine. 공부벌레

He's a model student. 모범생.


That refreshes my memory.

It occurred to me.


It doesn't hurt to try.

It can't hurt to ask.

Worth giving a shot.


It's like pulling teeth (very difficult)


Are you in the same page.


It is without rhyme or reason. (It makes no sense, It makes little order)


If you walk me through it, I can do it.


Moving on 계속 해봐 ..


It's a pie in the sky.


I have a full plate. 바쁘다


It's a matter of life and death to our company.


I'm on top of it. 잘 처리..하고…


I'll make it as a businessman no matter what it takes.


Is there any possibility that things might go bust?

It goes South.

It takes a turn for the worst.

It exploded in her face.

It flops.


I have all my eggs in one basket.


He has a loaded grandfather. 갑부.


It's all about Dead Presidents. 돈


I couldn't sleep a wink last night.


I had to scrounge around to find some of the furniture.


I wasn't born yesterday. 알건 다 알고..


It costs an arm and a leg.


Everybody chips in. N분의 1

Let's split this.


You got the lion's share.


I'm a regular here. 단골


Rub salt in wounds.

This only worsens it.


Can I have a bite?


The night is still young. 초저녁.


He's a friendly drunk. 술만 마시면 친구가 되..

Drinking is his middle name.


Let's go for another round!


I have no rhythm. 박치


It was a close call. That was close.


Let's take a road trip.


Let's hit the road. 출발


Stop getting into my way.


Don't take this the wrong way.


The wind is at my back. 해결 되었음.

We're over the hump.

It's all downhill from here.

You're in the clear.


