목록읽고 또 읽고/언어 (87)
Redesign your brain
He turned the page. Stuff I'm going to do, it read. Carl drew in a deep breath. His fingers hovered at the edge of the page, afraid to turn it. He didn't want to see the empty pages. All the adventures she never had… because Carl hadn't kept his promise. But he forced himself to look. To his surprise, the pages weren't blank. And they weren't plastered with fantastic adventures she had dreamed u..
The house is too run-down. It really needs to be renovated. What has been the biggest price you have had to pay for fame? We've had such a good thing going for so long. We grew to like each other. We enjoyed each other's company. He was just fantastic to be around. I think people have got a bit wrapped up in it. I can't get my head around it. In retrospect, I was tricked into it. You have to be ..
Our brains are not made up of brain cells, but of filters. Positive advantage of changes. It enables everyone in the department or organization to work together cohesively toward a common purpose. It's the logical next step in the organization's organic life-and so it's one step nearer to the desired state. It prevents the organization from becoming fossilized in old and outmoded practices. It g..
What if you had to tell the absolute truth for one solid week? What if blue smoke came out of your ears every time you become sexually aroused in the least little bit? When do you feel most fully engaged in living? What's the funniest thing that's ever happened to you? You can create one new national holiday. What is it called what does it celebrate, and on what date does it fall? God wants an e..
We can have a significant impact on the lives of others by simply letting them know we accept them. I consider my ability to arouse enthusiasm among the men the greatest asset I possess, and the way to develop the best that is in a man is by appreciation and encouragement. There is nothing else that so kills the ambitions of man as criticism from his superiors. I never criticize anyone. I believ..
An ideal working environment would be one in which management fully supported the efforts of the creative staff. My dream job would allow me to be creative on a day-to-day basis. I would like to work on a small start-up project with limitless growth potential. I would like be part of the project from the beginning so that I could help in the shaping of a new business. The reason I am so interest..
Actually, I expect all our products to make more sales this year because they have become very popular among the masses. With the rate we are going, I think that would be achievable. The estimates are based on the following assumptions. … The selling prices of all the products are constant throughout the year. Many companies use print advertising to create awareness of their products. Marketing ..
우선 읽기를 통해 분당 150단어의 이해 속도에 도달하고, 그 이후 읽기 => 듣기 => 쓰기/말하기 차례로 이동시킨다. 성인의 장점인 잘 발달된 두뇌를 영어를 익히는 데 재활용하기 때문이다. 한국어는 800~2000Hz, 영어는 1000~3000Hz 음역대. 영어 모음을 쉽게 듣기 힘듬, 2000Hz 높은 음역대에 있음. 영어 텍스트를 보고 머릿속에 이미지는 그리는 연습. 이미지 리딩… 인생의 목적을 통한 공부량의 최소화. '자기의 인생의 목적을 이미 10대 후반에 결정한 사람…' 처음에는 손을 사용해서 읽기… 핸드 모션기법. 손동작만으로도 읽는 속도가 빨라 질 수 있음. 페이스 조절도 가능함. 분당 1000단어 이상, 비직선적 읽기. 1초에 2-3개 줄을 동시에, 우뇌형인 사람에게 쉬움, 강력한 목적..
언론플레이를 잘하는 사람 sound bite 의 귀재 Shape of the table issues, Paris Peace Talks, 몇개월간 테이블 모양으로… 베트남 전… In the nick of time. The package arrived just in the nick of time. The concession by China came at the eleventh hour we were able to sign the agreement. 상대방과 대립하는 상황일 때 You 라고 표현하지 말고, the presentation, the proposal 이라고 대신.. I can understand why you reached your conclusion, but have you considered o..
Can you ensure delivery by tomorrow? I would like to confirm my attendance at the Ceremony We have reviewed your counteroffer and would like to reconsider our contract. We hope to build a strong and prosperous partnership. I am writing to complain about the lack of professionalism shown by your management team. I regret to say that I'm very disappointed with your lack of prudence. I must insist ..