Redesign your brain

통하는 인터뷰, 송고은 본문

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통하는 인터뷰, 송고은

bangla 2016. 5. 12. 18:08

An ideal working environment would be one in which management fully supported the efforts of the creative staff.

My dream job would allow me to be creative on a day-to-day basis. I would like to work on a small start-up project with limitless growth potential. I would like be part of the project from the beginning so that I could help in the shaping of a new business. The reason I am so interested in this position is that it would allow me to do these thing.


What I do is more important for me than what I will be making at your company. As for the salary, I am willing to accept what you are willing to offer as long as it is within a reasonable market price range.


Absolutely! Though I'd prefer that you hold off on contracting my current boss until I have been made a firm offer. I certainly understand your need to verify the accuracy of my employment, but I just want to be the first to tell them.


I think that a logical mix of both is necessary to complete a project to the best of my abilities. I definitely like to have a little private time so that I can plan my course of action, or make a schedule, but I also like to have lots of activity taking place around me. I like to engage in brainstorming sessions; I enjoy being able to share my ideas and see what everyone else is thinking. No one person has all the answers. At some point, you need to work with others to figure out the best way to accomplish a goal.


STAR technique

Situation or Task

Action you took

Results you achieved


How do you handle unruly customers?


My goal is to achieve results most likely as I planned or even better than my expectation.

Whenever I take on work or a project, I can energetically make steady progress. And I've always tried to achieve results beyond the expectations. Every time I take on a project, I really strive to excel in all I do.


Tell me about a time when you were able to learn a difficult concept without the direction of another person.


I have been fortunate enough to have had a lot of great supervisors in the past. They have been extremely intelligent and talented people. The lessons I have learned thus far in the workplace have been mainly from these people. Though they had more wisdom and experience than me, I believe that I was always helpful to them in their decision about customer problems.


How did you acquire your professional knowledge, beyond the academic experience of taking exams?


Still & Eric


Teamwork skill

Information gathering & Proactive


Language fluency


Enthusiasm & Motivation


Interpersonal skill/Communication skill



I've always learned well from people who act as coaches rather than experts. When someone comes to me with a problem. I try to act as if I'm reasoning through the problem with the person, learning as I go I think the most effective way is to develop their confidence and to come up with answers together.


As a manager, rather than tell someone what to do or answer a question directly, I try to encourage my employees to work together to find a solution. For example, if someone asks me a question about how to proceed on a project or task, I will prompt them to tell me what they think we should do. In addition to questions, I want to hear solutions. I like being able to lead my team, but I want to know that they are working to help solve problems as well. I like to think that by involving everyone in the questions and problems that arise in the department. I am teaching them how to be an effective leader.


The first step I take in planning any project is to brainstorm the best, worst, and most likely scenarios that could occur. Then I find answers to these questions; What steps can I take to ensure the most desirable outcome? What can I do to avoid the worst case scenario coming true? I then compose a schedule that allows for a realistic time frame to complete the project. By figuring out all the possible scenarios in the beginning, I find that I am well prepared to deal with any problems.


What I do is to figure out all the possible causes for the problem. I then think about the outcomes that could arise from the actions I might take; I consider the best and worst case scenarios as well as the things that are likely to occur. When I have everything laid out in front of me, it is much easier to make a logical connection between the cause and effect, and come up with a practical way of resolving the issue.


Identify and describe relevant issues when you were growing up that have been signification in your understanding of life.


May I interrupt you to ask questions?

Would it be all right if I interrupted with some questions?

Do you mind if I interrupted you with a question?


I think that one of my talents is the ability to take complex issues and break them into their simplest parts. For this reason, I have always been very good at solving problems that involve facts and figures. As those that work around me are quite aware of this, they usually allow me to emerge as the leader in situations in which there is a complex problem. I am a highly effective leader in these situations.


Before telling you how I could handle these situations, I want to tell you that product can always fixed, exchanged, or refunded. In my opinion, the best way to handle these situations is to always remembers that there is a simple answer. When discussing the problem with the customer, I speak in a calm, even voice, thus prompting the customer to do the same. The main issue to be concerned with is solving the problem at hand, and you need to be professional enough to get that done.


5Cs of credit Character(integrity), Capacity(sufficient cash flow to service the obligation), Capital (net worth), Collateral (assets to secure the debt), and conditions (of the borrower and the overall economy)


Rate yourself from one to ten on your work ethic with ten being best.


Armed with that background, I now believe I'm ready to take part in the convention and conference area.






