Redesign your brain

영어 메일, 50문장으로 끝내는 , 넥서스 본문

읽고 또 읽고/언어

영어 메일, 50문장으로 끝내는 , 넥서스

bangla 2016. 5. 12. 18:07

Can you ensure delivery by tomorrow?


I would like to confirm my attendance at the Ceremony


We have reviewed your counteroffer and would like to reconsider our contract.

We hope to build a strong and prosperous partnership.


I am writing to complain about the lack of professionalism shown by your management team.


I regret to say that I'm very disappointed with your lack of prudence.


I must insist that you take immediate action to avoid a lawsuit.


Please resolve this matter by this week.


We have reviewed your proposal, and have decided to collaborate with another bidder.

and have decided to further investigate the potentials.


This is a friendly reminder about an overdue payment.


Would you grant an extension on the deadline?


Would you grant a 10 day extension on the original deadline?


This is a brief e-mail to update you on the latest check out policy.


We are looking into the problem you reported and will get back to you immediately.


I apologize again for the inconvenience it has caused.

for the poor service you experienced


We are shocked to hear of the mistreatment you received at our private resort.

I am embarrassed and would like to extend my regrets with 5 complimentary nights.


Please let me know which days will be most convenient for you.


Please remit your payment in full (to avoid any holds on future transactions).

Kindly note, our contract allows us to freeze or close your account if there is an outstanding balance for over 60 days.


I will send a new itinerary before your arrival next week.

Please give my best regards to Ms. Tray for all her correspondence.


Bounce message, 해고통지

Bounced mail, 반송


I'll update you as soon as I receive confirmation.


I will be on leave for vacation.


I hope all is going well for you.


I would be more than happy to make necessary arrangements for your visit next month.


I had forgotten I had made another appointment that same day. … I will keep my schedule open to match yours.







