Redesign your brain

나는 영어로 협상한다, 임형옥 본문

읽고 또 읽고/언어

나는 영어로 협상한다, 임형옥

bangla 2016. 5. 12. 18:08

언론플레이를 잘하는 사람 sound bite 의 귀재


Shape of the table issues, Paris Peace Talks, 몇개월간 테이블 모양으로… 베트남 전…


In the nick of time.

The package arrived just in the nick of time.


The concession by China came at the eleventh hour we were able to sign the agreement.


상대방과 대립하는 상황일 때 You 라고 표현하지 말고, the presentation, the proposal 이라고 대신..


I can understand why you reached your conclusion, but have you considered other options?


There is some information you may not have had available.


The difference between our points of view is not large, but I believe that you have not factored in our subcontractors.


Perhaps there are other reasons I'm not aware of, but I believe that we could actually benefit from the opposite seasons of our two countries.


It's certainly open to several interpretations, but I believe that we should stick with the original agreement since it has worked in so many countries.



시간대 극복… 3시간 … 3일 정도.

서쪽으로 여행할 경우에는 한 시간 늦게 자고 한시간 늦게 일어난다.

동쪽으로 여행할 경우에는 한 시간 일찍 자고 한 시간 일찍 일어난다.

서쪽으로 여행할 경우 늦은 오후와 저녁에 햇볕을 쬐고 아침에는 가능한 노출을 자제.

동쪽으로 여행할 경우 아침에 빛에 노출하고 저녁 때는 빛에 노출을 자제.



이탈리아인의 손을 등 뒤로 묶으면 벙어리가 된다.


중국어 자체가 상형문자이기 때문에 구체적인 디테일보다는 큰 그림으로 보는 경향이 있음.


If you look at it from my point of view, I have nothing to lose.


My reason for disagreeing is that after all these years of doing business with you. I know that you can be a little more accommodating.


We'd like to make an alternative proposal. We propose that we launch the product in spring instead of fall.


From where we stand, a better solution might be to move to Vietnam.


If so, that would leave us no other alternative but to withdraw our entire proposal.


I don't mean to quibble with you, but it is not the first time that we've made that concession.


The school backed out of its plan to build a new playground.


The talks were bogged down over the issue of opening the rice market.


Bone of contention

Who would pay the difference was a bone of contention between the employers and the union.


He didn't say anything during the meeting, but you could tell that he was calling the shots.


The government felt strongly that it shouldn't cave in to union demands.


It was easy to see that the union had decided to close ranks and not compromise.


It was down to the wire but neither side would budge.


Now that we've finished the introductions, I think that we can get down to brass tacks. 당면문제


