Redesign your brain

Managing Change for Success, Rebecca Potts 본문

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Managing Change for Success, Rebecca Potts

bangla 2016. 5. 12. 18:10

Our brains are not made up of brain cells, but of filters.


Positive advantage of changes.

  • It enables everyone in the department or organization to work together cohesively toward a common purpose.
  • It's the logical next step in the organization's organic life-and so it's one step nearer to the desired state.
  • It prevents the organization from becoming fossilized in old and outmoded practices.
  • It gives staff the chance to learn new skills and new roles.
  • It gives everyone the opportunity to show their commitment to common goals.
  • It shows outsiders that the organization is highly responsive to the conditions in which it operating - for example, the economic climate and advances in technology.


    All these permutations can work so long as clear ground rules are agreed beforehand.




    화면 캡처: 2009-10-30, 오후 5:35


    Status report for fund-raising department change project


Current state

Definition of the current state and reason for change approved by Steering Team.

Action: give first indication of change to targets

Delta state

Four sub-projects identified as path to desired state.

Action: determine timeline for each sub-project.

Desired state

Definition of desired state approved by the Steering team

Action: plan formal statement for targets


Requires weekly updates

Action: suggest format for updates

Change agent

Change Management Team leader's role not yet defined.

Action: hold Change Management Team meeting to discuss this,

then, ask for meeting with sponsor


Rumor spreading

Action: notify targets formally about change


Some employees believe current fund-raising technique are the only way

to raise funds


Plan needed.

Action: quash rumors by issuing formal statement, then prepare detailed plan

Learning system

Plan needed.

Action: must include retraining in negotiation techniques.

Reward system

Plan needed.

Action: discuss voucher system and celebration of change milestone.


Schedule a final meeting with the sponsor to make sure that they know you are officially finished and to give them the opportunity to comment on the way in which you have handled the change. Reviewing the exit strategy together is a good way to help your sponsor appreciate just how much hard work you have put into making change successful.

Once all the serious business is out of the way, throw a party to celebrate your achievements. Even if your budget only runs to coffee and doughnuts, make sure that you thank everyone involved and acknowledge all the effort and team work that have enabled you to reach your goal.

























