Redesign your brain

비즈니스 영어 이메일 패턴 사전, 백선엽 본문

읽고 또 읽고/언어

비즈니스 영어 이메일 패턴 사전, 백선엽

bangla 2016. 5. 12. 18:19

I'm writing to tell you a little about my operation with a view to doing business together in the future.


We've been in the … industry for ten years and we have a respectable amount of the market share.


He'll be making the final decisions on the agreement, so I thought I should put you two in touch. I've CC'd him on this email, so feel free to contact him with any concerns you might have.


I'd like to introduce him to you so that you have someone to contact with any larger concerns about products and service. Mr. Han is eager to ensure your satisfaction, so feel free to contact him if you have any issues.


We've been operating since 1997.

Our client list includes some of the biggest names in a variety of industries. Attached is a brochure outlining our products.


It's that time of year again! … When you have a second, take some time to look it over and familiarize yourself with the new line of products and the changes in price and availability


I'm sending you our catalogue so that you can get a sense of what we offer.


I hope business is good at your end.


We think meeting face-to-face and showing you our office will really improve communication. Let me know if you think it will work for your schedule.


We'd like to get your input on some of the projects we're working on.


I'd really love to get you over here for a meeting.

What does your schedule look like?


We're going to be having a series of meetings next month, and we'd really like you to be involved. If your schedule permits it, would you like to fly out and meet with us? I think it would be quite productive.


My schedule is pretty flexible next month, so I think I can clear out a few days. If you could just send me the schedule with as much detail the agenda, I'll make my travel arrangement.


I think it would be beneficial to both of our companies if we get together.


I'd like to bring a few of my people along so we can all get a sense of your operation there.


We have too many accounts that need constant attention, so I can't spare any time for travel. I hope my schedule clears up this summer so that we can arrange something.


We're a little shorthanded at the moment, and everyone we've got is busy on an account. If things change, I'll let you know.


Could you give me a rundown on the prices and specifications along with any recommendations you might have?


I'd like to get the current price per unit as well as any bulk discounts you offer.


The 2013 catalogue is coming out next week! We're really excited about the new product line.


I wanted to give you a heads-up on an upcoming price change.


This price adjustment has been made because of an increase in manufacturing costs.


From time to time it is necessary for us to adjust the prices of our products in order to respond to the pressures of the market. These new prices will be reflected in the upcoming catalogue.


We continue to be committed to providing our customers with the best deal on the best merchandise.


We value your loyalty and will certainly keep it in mind going forward.

Unfortunately economic realities are forcing us to hold the prices steady.


I've got a conflict that I didn't foresee, so I'll be out of the office visiting with a client on Tuesday… I'm trying to accommodate(맞추다) the client….


I'm excited about sharing some new ideas.


We've had a bit of crisis here at the office and everybody is scrambling to take care of it.


Due to unforeseen(unexpected) circumstances, I'm afraid that I will not be able to make the meeting we scheduled for the 16th of June.

Let me know what schedule will allow.


I regret that I'm going to have to rearrange our meeting. Events beyond my control have made it necessary for me to be in the office all day on Monday. … I hope that this doesn't cause you too much trouble.


Would you be interested in meeting next week in order to start generating some ideas?


I'd like to schedule a brainstorming session with you sometime in the near future.


I think that in order to jumpstart this project, we should get together and try to come up with some new ideas.


If you have time, look over the document and let me know what you think the next step should be.


Perusal 정독


We aren't quite ready to announce the partnership, so I'd appreciate it if you could keep our talks under warps for the time being.


I'm feeling quite confident about the direction things are going.

Until we're ready to send out a press release it's our policy to keep our deals quiet.


My son is very ill and it is imperative that I am at the hospital with him.


I do not want to infect others with this cold.


Your input is extremely valuable.


It looks like we'll be coming in under budget.


It 's important that I stay on top of everything that is going on.


With all the changes going on, I need you to continue with quality control today.


I need all Powerpoints looking fantastic.


Our product line has always been on the cutting edge of the industry, and this newest addition to our offerings is no exception.


We think this product is a real game changer …







