Redesign your brain

국제비즈니스 영어, 오원석 본문

읽고 또 읽고/언어

국제비즈니스 영어, 오원석

bangla 2016. 5. 12. 18:18

Taking this opportunity, we would like to make a brief introduction on our business line so that you may have a clear picture of our company, and help to promote trade relations and friendship, as well as mutual understanding.


Hoping this letter will draw your interest and bring about fruitful results.


Any information with which you may favor us will be much appreciated and we earnestly await your reply.


Thank you very much for your continued cooperation and we shall be pleased to reciprocated always.


Your cooperation in this matter would be highly appreciated and we look forward to an early reply.


Any information you may provide us will be much welcome and treated strictly confidential.


Your kindness to be given in this matter shall be reciprocated at any time.


We trust you will make every effort to revise your prices.


Since this transaction is very important to both of us, we would like you to give it your best attention to satisfy us in every respect.


Although this is beyond our control, we deeply apologize for the inconvenience you have been put to.

We assure you that we will make every precaution against such trouble arising in the future.


Please accept our apology for your trouble and we promise to execute your orders in the future with maximum care and efficiency.


We earnestly hope that his delay will not cause you much inconvenience and that you will be profited by the sale of your order.



