Redesign your brain

영어 면접 333, 김연욱 본문

읽고 또 읽고/언어

영어 면접 333, 김연욱

bangla 2016. 5. 12. 18:17

I strongly believe that your job requirement perfectly matches my qualifications. As a person with an open-minded attitude, I always try to be away from a stereotype. Also I am capable of analyzing customers and catching what they need and want accurately. A person with full of curiosity can have only a small part of knowledge, but a passionate person can have the power in the future. Based on my enthusiasm and interest, I would like to be a competent member of your company.


What word can you describe yourself with?


Tell us about your qualities or experiences that would be a value to us.


Tell me something about yourself that I didn't know from reading your resume.


What were your major responsibilities at the past employer?


Tell me about your responsibilities at your present employer.


Tell me about your duties at the previous workplace.


How have you prepared yourself for your career?


Tell me about strong points that can help you perform in this position.


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Based on my strong attention to detail, I know how to articulate ideas both orally and on paper. Also I have the ability to prioritize a number of responsibilities, so I can work a given task efficiently. Lastly, I have outstanding presentation skills. I analyze problems accurately, deliver messages clearly and draw solutions in a professional manner. I believe these skills would make me a valuable asset to your team.


I applied for the position of … with a great enthusiasm, so I really appreciate your offering me the opportunity to have this interview today.


It is with a great enthusiasm that I am applying for the position of… at … . Everything I have learned and experienced up to now has prepared me to perform this job you need done.


Since my parents have provided the opportunity for me to experience a wide variety of environments from my childhood, I was able to learn how to interact well with people of diverse personalities from an early age.


Before deciding what I wanted to do, I had to consider how well I fit into the areas of this job. I have always had an aptitude for a work that requires me to think and act. That is, I have an aptitude for performing the job of … successfully.


I try to keep myself prepared to handle any unexpected problems by making an accurate decision. This kind personality can help me to focus on and achieve a given goal within a given time period.


I am convinced that there will be no better place to work than…. , the top company in this field. I want to be a part of your company and reach my ultimate career goal with you.


I am confident that I fit into this position you offer in terms of experience, abilities and skills. Now, I am ready to give myself new challenges.


I would like to show my potential abilities and how I can make a contribution to …. Through this interview.


To me, a perfect job is one that offers daily challenges, provides the kind of stimulation that keeps my skills and abilities at peak levels and allows me to achieve tangible results.


I will keep developing my professional capabilities further to enhance my values as an employee of your company. And I will make a significant contribution to your company while always giving myself new challenges.


As an intern employee, I had a great deal of substantial experience and developed practical work skills. Especially by displaying my outstanding performance on my duties, I made a good impression and was recognized as a competent and reliable member. Even I got an offer of regular employee from the company.


I had a part-time position working with the HR team… for three month. My major responsibilities were to assist in … and … Although I was a part-time employee, I concentrated much of my passion and energy on performing the given responsibilities successfully. From this real-world experience, I have developed a comprehensive understanding of a general workflow in an organization and increased my practical work skills.


I am well aware that the position of … will offer me a daily challenge both physically and mentally. But it's the exact reason why I want to be a … I am convinced that my integrity, healthy mindset and positive thinking will enable me to be a successful. …


At … where I interned, I had to juggle many different tasks at the same time in a very hectic office. In the beginning I sometimes lost myself in the chaos, so I decided to make my own work system and schedule. First, I took some time to settle myself down before starting my daily work. Then, I checked my schedule, set goals and began my duties. At the same time, I kept checking my schedule to make sure of where I was. In this way, I become able to know how to organize and focus on my work, motivate myself and control my daily plan.


After graduating from university, I decided to work in … as an intern. That was because I believed that working in the field would be far more helpful to me that just studying behind the desk. And it was a great chance for me to develop that sense of performing duties belonging to an organization. Based on this experience, I will adapt myself to a new corporate environment and new works easily. If you give me a chance to be a member of your organization, you will be satisfied with my performance and dedication within the workplace.


I started my first career with …. . With the HR team, I mainly planned and established HR-related operations including recruitment, evaluation, compensation, promotion and labor costing. Also I participated in designing a new compensation system. In this way, I gained substantial experience and knowledge of the HR field.


How confident are you that you can successfully perform the duties of this position and why?


My greatest strength is flexibility. I am never afraid of being challenged by something new. Also I have initiative, so I am able to find out what to do next without needing other people to tell me what to do. After setting a goal, I prepared a definite plan and immediately take it into action to achieve my goals.


My creative ideas have been one of my strengths for a long time. Therefore I have been seeking a field in which I can utilize my conceptual skills and an ability to translate ideas into realities. From this aspect, … is the perfect job for me.


I am prudent and gentle. Moreover I have a profound interest in this job, problem-solving skills, strong communication skills and the abilities to work hard. They are the most important qualities that will help me succeed in this career.


My greatest strengths are my active nature and positive energy. They allow me to interact well with anyone. Also I communicate well with other people. I know how to listen their story attentively while expressing my opinions effectively.


I am unique and creative, so I am not afraid of trying new concepts, ideas and tools for everything I do. By finding out innovate approaches with my liberal thinking I am confident in surviving in the stiff competition of the real world.


I am very friendly and sociable, so I enjoy talking to other people and form long-standing relationship with everyone. Also I would like to say that I am an icebreaker. Besides, for my work, I am flexible and adaptable, so I can transfer my experience and skills to the new areas effectively.


I am skillful at communication. I speak and express effectively, write concisely and listen attentively. Also I am adept at researching and planning and have an ability to conceptualize future needs and solutions. Most of all, I understand that my attitude is the single most important factor in determining my success or failure on the job.


I have outstanding problem-solving skills. Before I act, I think. When I come up with a problem, I try to distance myself from the problem so that I can look at it more objectively and analyze all aspects. Sometimes I even write it down to see it more clearly. When I find a solution for the problem, I present my planned solution to the people affected by it or to those who must carry it out.


Firstly, I have a strong interest backed by my problem-solving skills, determination to succeed, strong communication skills and the ability to produce a tangible result. Also, they are the most important qualities that I developed through various real-world experiences from part-time employments to the recent internship. I think to succeed in this job, it is essential to have a natural curiosity about business and to be a quick learner to perform a task efficiently. I'd like to say that I possess such curiosity and am a quick learner. I believe that my traits will enable me to be a solid member for your company.


Firstly I have the sense to anticipate customers' needs and the knowledge and skills to meet them. Also I am flexible and trustworthy and have excellent communication skills. Of course these qualities are based on my service-oriented mindset.


My strengths are my positive attitude and strong sense of responsibility. Since I believe that my role should be clearly tied to the goals of my employer, when I am given the responsibility for a job, I take it seriously and put my utmost. Also, as a cooperative team player, I have maintained good relationships with other members within the workplace.


I possess outstanding problem solving skills. On a project, I know how to remove any obstacles impeding the solution of a problem. By stepping outside the problem and looking at it conceptually, I'm able to find the cause of problems that others hardly catch. I sometimes even try unorthodox approaches to solve problems.


One of my strong points is that I have a solid understanding of various different fields. It refers that I am able to make different approaches to such problem with various perspectives. Of course it is important to concentrate on one task but this ever-changing society requires a multi talented person who can manage multi-tasks at the same time. From this sense, I am able to work in this position very efficiently and meet various different demands of consumers.


My strong points are a strong sense of responsibility, positive way of thinking and honest attitude. By considering every failure as a learning experience, I overcome trials and errors and eventually achieve my goal. Even I am always trying to break my own record.


I am weak to turning down others' requests, so I take too much work onto my shoulders. However I realized that this was not helpful for me to work with others at the workplace. So I tried to create a definite line between my personal life and job to improve my weak points. Then I made a to-do list to prioritize my work and completed it on time and accurately.


I have a tendency to take on too many different jobs at the same time. I guess it is because I have too much passion and enthusiasm for my work. However my last team members told me about that and I realized it might not be efficient for my team. So I began to be more relaxed and flexible at work. Now, I know how to share duties with my team members to attain a common goal.


What is the most difficult and important thing in dealing with foreigners?

Once I'm committed to something, I concentrate much of my passion and energy on it. That's because I want to achieve a tangible result and meet my clients' expectation. You may say I'm very competitive. But, making a daily plan for what I have to finish in a day, I can streamline my work. And giving myself ticking-off for what I do one by one, I can pace myself and work smarter.


Do you prefer to work individually or within a group?

I can strongly say that I work very well individually because I perfectly understand what I have to do next. But I prefer to work within a group because it is easier to solve problems quickly by gathering ideas and opinions from other members within the group.


Do you prefer working alone or with others?

Actually I enjoy working with others because I really like a process of sharing ideas and opinions together. But I don't mind working alone. Since I possess strong attention to detail and strong concentration, I'm good at managing my work in a noisy and hectic office.


I prefer working alone because I can plan the entire process of the work based on my personal schedule and I don't need to deal with conflicts from other members. However, I am cooperative team member as well. So when working in a group, I try to communicate with other members as often as possible and show how much I respect their opinions. So I am hardly caught in trouble with any of my team members.


I am more than willing to work overtime. Because I am a new employee of this company, there must be a lot of things to learn. Through overtime, I will be able to learn practical work skills and gain more knowledge, and develop a better understanding of the general workflow of my company than any of my colleagues. And, the range of the work I can handle will become broader. I believe that overtime is a part of my responsibilities.


Can you work under deadline?

To me, time is very precious. So I become a good time manager. I plan and manage my time efficiently. Also I am punctual. I hardly break an appointment. Because I know how to plan my time efficiently, even under heavy workload, I finish given duties step by step. Basically, I strive to keep up with the timetable I set.


I organize and plan my schedule ahead, divide the given work into several parts and prioritize those parts so that I can handle the task in the most efficient way. Therefore meeting deadlines is not a hard work for me. Also, working under a slight pressure, I can excel others in performance.


What would you do if you are posted to a different department than the one you applied for?

If I am posted to a different department than the one I applied for, I will be a little disappointed. But I will be sure the company made the best decision considering my capabilities and experience. So I will do my best wherever I am. Then the department will become the best place that I can keep my capabilities at peak levels.


A salary commensurate with my experience and skills is important, but it's just only one piece of the elements that make up for compensation. More importantly it's critical to me to enjoy what I'm doing, fit into the corporate culture and feel I'm making a genuine contribution.


From my childhood, I have had an aptitude in creating something based on my creative and innovative ideas. And I have enjoyed using a computer. Accordingly, I realized that being a developer could be the perfect occupation for me to express my ideas in the field of computers. This is the main reason why I want to be a developer.


I have a profound interest in internet search services. As a global leading internet firm, your company provides the world prominent search service and the newly established R&D center in Korea will take an important role. Besides the search sector, I would like to experience your advanced technology and well-organized business philosophy. These are reasons why I am eager to work with you.


I have been seeking a company where I can display my capabilities and realize my fullest potential Also I have always wanted to work with a company that I can trust. From these aspects, you are the perfect one where I can utilize my solid educational background and relevant experience. Additionally, my career ethics and goals fit into your job requirements perfectly.


I am convinced that there will be no better place to work than … in this industry. You are the top firm in this field. Also … provides your employees with the tools to stay competitive and sharpen their skills. I am also aware that you provide a mentor for all new employees and I would like to embrace this opportunity to work with you.


First of all, I'm very impressed by your corporate culture which respects every individual's characteristics and creativeness and values teamwork. This is the exact environment I have been pursuing. Also I can see that you have great resources and opportunities that can expand your professional capabilities further. Because of these points, I chose your company.


I'm continue to study this field more profoundly to be an expert in this field. I plan to continue my education for the rest of my life. I will ensure, however, that any education I pursue does not interfere with my job or the company's policies. In this way, I will enhance my value as an employee.


Of course, I have a future plan. I'll continue to study to develop myself into a competent employee. That's because I think the success of a company depends on how its employees develop themselves. However as a new employee, I'll firstly focus much of my energy on learning given job. Then, I'll continue to study. I will ensure, however, that any education I pursue does not interfere with my job or the company's policies.


Five years from now, I see myself working as the most competent … for your company. I will firstly develop strategic planning skills because it is the best way to increase chances of success. I might come up with a lot of problems, but if I have the orderly process of planning, I will be able to find the problems and resolutions. I believe that the success of a business depends on how well and timely I manage problems. Therefore, for the first one or two years, I will focus on developing strategic planning skills.


If I join … , I will firstly master given tasks and try to perform my responsibilities successfully. Also, interacting well with my superiors and colleagues, I will do my best to build special bonds with them. In brief, my primary goal is to assimilate into the corporate culture and environment of … perfectly.


I will make my greatest efforts to meet your expectation. I believe that a company is not simply the place I can make money. Rather it is the place where I can develop my capabilities and realize my dreams. I am more than willing to make a long-term commitment to ….


I have had several important turning points that have changed my life to date. And I believe working with you will be the most important turning point for my life and career. I would like to concentrate on my new responsibilities and develop my abilities and skills. I guarantee that I will do my best to contribute all of my abilities and skills to bring the most profits to your company. You will see how competent and confident I am.





