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How to prepare for English lecture , 허명수 본문

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How to prepare for English lecture , 허명수

bangla 2016. 5. 12. 18:05

This presentation is based on our research but the criticism of the Skinner's theory is purely our own original effort.


You touched upon the very weak point of my presentation, so can I study further and answer it later?


Strategic planning is a disciplined effort to produce fundamental decisions and actions that share and guide what an organization is, what it does, with a focus on the future.


Tactical planning is considered short-term planning and implementation typically less than a year.


Operational planning is setting out clearly the implementation of the strategic plan against specific objectives.


Conceptual skills involve the ability to see the organization as a whole and to solve problems in a way that benefits the entire organization.


The free-rein style leader sets no clear goals.


Management is defined as the process of achieving organizational goals through people and other resources.


Leadership is a very important skill for managers to have because mangers typically accomplish goals through their subordinate. Poor leadership can lead to resentment or a loss of respect. This can lead to subordinates becoming resistant and unreceptive, which makes it difficult to accomplish anything. Of course, different situations and different organizations require different leadership styles, but there are some guidelines to keep in mind.

  • Lead from the front by setting a good example.
  • Treat your employees with respect and dignity and make them feel important. The first step to making people important is to remember their names. Take active interest in people. Keep your employees informed about the latest developments and what effects they might have. Asking for someone's advise is a very good way to show them that you respect their opinion. This works equally well for employees, coworkers, and bosses. It's especially important to ask your subordinates for their opinion when the decision is going to have a direct impact on them. Make sure to listen carefully and pay attention to what is said. The simple act of paying attention to someone and being a good listener really makes people feel respected. If you disagree with someone, do it gently. If you tell someone directly that they are wrong, they're only going to become defensive and defend their position more vigorously. If you make them feel that their idea has merit but point out some possible difficulties, it will be easier for them to admit they were wrong without losing face. Another important way to make people respected is to show appreciation. Any time someone does a good job, don't be afraid to tell him or her so. Very few things are more motivating than feeling appreciated. Conversely, few things are more demotivating than being criticized and nothing more humiliating than being criticized in public. Praise in public, criticize in private. Criticizing should be done delicately. Placing blame is very rarely productive. It is better to analyze the problem and its causes, discuss possible solutions and make sure the employee knows what is expected in the future.

    One of the more difficult aspects of leadership is getting people to do what you want- to work with you and not against you. Fear can be a short-term motivator but in the long term, it does more harm than good. A better solution would be to involve the employees in the decision making process. The more they they've had some input, the better they will feel about the decision and the more enthusiastically they will try to perform. The best leaders are able to lead people to a desired decision while making them feel that the idea was theirs. This is the best of all possible methods because if people feel that they're working on their own idea, they will work extremely hard to make sure it succeeds. .. Leading people to the same conclusion that you've already come to involves asking them questions and walking them through the same decision making process that you went through and gently pointing out why other options are less desirable. At the end of process, the employees should be able to see the logic of the decision and understand why it is the best option. This process also allows any reservations or questions the employees might have to surface and be addressed before they're required to perform. This technique is difficult to perfect but if done properly, employee performance can be greatly increased.


    A business incubator is a facility designed to assist businesses to become established and profitable during their startup phase.


    One of the most important thins to keep in mind about business is that business about building lasting relationships. As in personal relationships, a crucial factor to developing useful and helpful business relationships is trust.


    A good corporate strategy should integrate an organization's goals, policies, and action sequences into a cohesive whole.


    Porter's Model is often used to describe high tech industries whose firms must innovates and develop new products and production techniques.


    The value chain is a systematic approach to examining the development of competitive advantage.


    Inbound logistics is concerned with receiving, storing, and distributing inputs.


    Outbound logistics is about moving the product to buyers.


    Procurement clerks compile requests for materials, prepare purchase orders, keep track of purchases and supplies, and handle inquires about orders.


    Just-in-time manufacturing is a process where inventory is delivered to the factory by suppliers only when it's needed for assembly.


    The six steps to identifying the firm's strategic position are:

  • Scan the environment, understanding past trends and making forecasts for the future.
  • Consider the nature of the firm's environment in terms of its propensity to change or remain the same. Evaluate all possible expansion and growth prospects.
  • Identify the key forces operating in the competitive environment.
  • Analyze the firm's position in relation to its competitors.
  • Identify the firm's strength and weaknesses.
  • Identify key opportunities and threats.


    Firm Infrastructure includes administrative, finance, accounting, and quality control functions.


    Efficiency is about doing things the most cost and time saving way. It involves eliminating waste and optimizing processes. Effectiveness is about doing the right things in the right order to achieve a desired result. There is no point in acting efficiently if what you are doing will not have the desired effect. A good strategy will blend both efficiency and effectiveness.


    Life cycle analysis is used to assess the growth, development, and performance of a product from its market introduction to death.


    Innovators => Early adopter

    Once the early adopters have tried and given their approval to a product, the early majority will begin to follow.


    After a significant portion of the population has adopted a product, the late majority will consider its use.


    Laggards wait until being forced to adopt because the alternate product is no longer being produced.


    Many managers fear that the Internet will increase customer price sensitivity and intensify price competition.


    Cost leadership strategy, differentiation strategy

    Focus strategies are the most effective when consumers have distinctive preferences or requirements and when rival firms are not attempting to specialize in the same target segment.




    Giving workers more responsibility, more meaningful and challenging work, and recognition for achievement will create job enrichment.


    In operant conditioning, behavior is also affected by its consequences, but the process is not trial-and-error learning.


    Delayed gratification is one of the pleasing concepts the human mind has ever perceived.


    We use the expectancy theory of motivation to help us understand how individuals make decision regarding various behavioral alternatives.


    An equity option is a contract which conveys to its holder the right to buy or sell shares of the underlying security at a specified price on or before a given date (expiration day).


    The more your home is worth, the larger your line of credit.


    Perceptual maps can have any number of dimensions based on customer's preferences and tastes.


    Global brand strategy utilizes a common and identical branding proposition and products across the various countries it enters.

    Fully-global strategy,

    Proposition-adaptive strategy maintains a consistent product line while adapting the message to reach different regions.

    Product-adaptive brand strategy keeps the same brand message but adapts the products to the specific needs of the regions.

    Fully-adaptive brand strategy changes both message and products by region. Here, the different needs and demands of various markets call for a more flexible marketing strategy, which outweighs any benefits from standardization.




