Redesign your brain

Office English, 백선엽 본문

읽고 또 읽고/언어

Office English, 백선엽

bangla 2016. 5. 10. 22:04

How are you doing on the report?


How has work been treating you?

Not too bad. I could use a break.



What's going on with you lately?

Same old work…

As long as you like it…

Yes, I do. It just gets boring sometimes.

Maybe you should make it more interesting.


Turn on some music or something.

Is music allowed in the office?


I'm just typing up this paper.


Are you hard at work today?

I don't have much to do.


Have it done by Friday.


Have a nice night.


I'm off early today.


I haven't seen you in a while.


I'm surprised to see you here.


Do I know you from somewhere?


You two will be working together soon.


How are things at home?


He just took his first steps last week.


When do we get off?


I won't be home until late.


I have to stay an extra hour tonight.


The boss is making me stay late today.


It will be better if it's done tonight.


Hear me out.


You looked like you were spacing out.


I was just thinking about what you said.


Don't space off when I'm talking.

Sorry, I have a lot on my mind.


What are you getting at?

I'm not sure I follow you.


What I'm saying is I need everyone here next week.


The plan is flawless.


The plan is foolproof.


Don't burn yourself out.


What is said here stays here.


Nothing leaves this room.


Would it be okay if I used your computer?


My computer froze.


Be extra careful.


You took a load off my shoulders.


I couldn't have done it without you guys.


How many sales did we do today?


What did we get off today's sales?


We don't have the ability to do this kind of work.


Our department doesn't handle this type of work.


I'd have to side with Mr. Blake on this one.


Mr. Blake knows what he's talking about.


Mr. Kook's idea may be more realistic.


Do you think I could get a raise?


I won't be coming into work today.


There are plenty of fish in the sea.


We need to liven this place up


Please excuse my lateness, tardiness…


I like your suit.


I know you're telling the truth.


I have faith in you.


I have confidence in you.


Nice job on the work.


Good going.


I'm really happy about it.


You should buy us dinner. Treat us to dinner.

Are you going to buy us dinner? Take us to dinner.


Don't let it get you down.

Things will get better.

Things are never as bad as they seem.


Let's see some action.

Get a move on.

Are you just going to sit there?


Do you want to grab a cup of coffee?

I need some coffee to keep me awake.

I'm going to fall asleep without some coffee.


Would you care to squander our profits?


There's been a change of plans.


I'll cover the bill. I'll foot the bill.

We can take turns with the bill.


The company is covering the tab.

I'm supposed to use company funds for this dinner.

The company account will pay for it.


I need to go somewhere now.

The chief just paged me.


Let's keep in touch. We should keep in touch.

Keep me updated.


Let's split the bill.

We should have gotten separate bills.


What do you do with the rest of your day?


Who would you like to speak with?

Who do you want to talk to?


He can't come to the phone.

He's not presently here.


What would you like me to tell him?


There's no one here by that name.


He's out taking care of business for a few days.

He's presently on a business trip.

He's involved in a meeting.


How long is it supposed to run for?


No one by that name is employed here.


I'm having trouble understanding you, so call back.


I'm sorry, I have get back to work.


I have a few errands that I have to take care of.


I would like to speak with someone from your Marketing Department, please.


The phone is suddenly cut off.

The phone just went dead.

I thought the line was disconnected.


Do you have the materials you need for your presentation?

Do you have everything in control?


How's it coming along?


Final deal. No negotiations.


When is our next meeting going to take place?


That will be all for today's meeting.


Can I please take a look at your sample?


Does the sample come along with instructions?

Do instructions accompany the sample?


What was your first impression about Korea when you first came here?


Where do you want to go for entertainment?


Dinner's on me.


Tell me the food wasn't delicious or what!

=> it's delicious


Are you up for some Korean food?


What type of ethnic food would you like to eat?


Do you want to come over my place for dinner?


Let me know any time if you have any problems.


Can I ask you something personal?

Is it okay if I ask you a personal question?


This is a present for you for all your hard work.

Here, accept this token of gratitude.


Have a safe trip back to Korea.


When's the next available flight to New York?

I'd like a flight headed to New York, please.


I'm here conducting business with some US companies.


I work for the government conducting some diplomat business with the US.


I'll give you directions then.


I locked myself out of my room.


Here's a tip for you since you helped me with my luggage.


Where can I find some extravagant meals?

Do you know of any great places to eat exotic food?

Do you know where I might be able to get some really exotic food to eat?


I'd like to extend my stay for another night, please.

Is it possible that I could stay another night?

Would it be possible for me to stay one more night?


To where is this bus headed?


Do you know how long until we get to Main Street?


Let's speed things up.


How much will it cost to rent out a car?


I want full coverage on this car.

Does this car have the option of full coverage?

Make sure I get full coverage for this rental/


You can return it tomorrow, but you'll have to pay a surcharge fee.


Can I have a chance to prove myself?


I have to have my order to go since I'm in a hurry.

Can you put my order in a bag to go?


Can you fill my glass back up with juice?


Could you cut it in half?

Can you split it in two for me?


I want a table with a view.

Make sure our table is next to the window.


What do most people recommend?


Could you wrap this food for me?


Can I get a doggy-bag for this?


Let's celebrate!

Let's have a toast.

Let's party.


You pay for everyone's drinks the next time we're out.




Formal Biz Letters.


As the Senior Vice President of International Marketing for a large insurance company, you are undoubtedly aware of the unique challenges and obstacles associated with doing business in a foreign country. We would like to take this opportunity to tell you about our company, and how we are positioned to assist you with your future operations in Korea.


Our experienced and professional staff can assist your company in Korea by providing the following services:


I am enclosing a brochure that highlights a complete list of our services. We are proud to say that we say that we set the standard for excellence in this field, and that our fees are well within industry standards. I sincerely hope that you will allow us the chance to serve you in the future. Please do not hesitate to contact me should you require more information.




As you are a valued client, it would be our pleasure to arrange for the opening ceremony, after which we would be happy to invite you to enjoy our hospitality. Kindly contact me to set up a convenient date and time should this option be to your liking.


We are very interested in learning more about some of your companies products such as the ones advertised., we would like to know about other products your company may offer. Also, it would be greatly appreciated if you would include a wholesale price list and information about your ordering billing, and shipping policies and procedures.



This is just a quick note to let you know that I will be faxing our updated price list in about five minutes. Please let me know whether or not you receive the full 10 pages, and if all pages are legible.


Could you please make sure that the document is in MS word format, and resend it? If I still cannot open the attachment, I will let you know. If that is the case, perhaps you could cut and paste it into the body of your e-mail.


I hope this has not caused you too much inconvenience.


Just to let you know, I no longer work in the Sales Department. My recent promotion included a transfer to Marketing. My e-mail will remain the same, but my new contact number is ……


This is just a quick note to let you know that my e-mail address has changed. I can now be reached at ….


I regret to inform you that I will not be able to visit your company next week as some urgent business that requires my personal attention has come up. As such, I will be out of the country from Tuesday to Friday next week. Would it be possible to schedule a visit for the following week? I am sorry if this causes you any inconvenience.


Please let me know what date and time would be convenient for you as it is important we meet.


My company has some issues to discuss concerning our account with you. We would appreciate it if you could attend a meeting at our offices on Thursday the 5th. Please let me know if you can attend, or if we should reschedule the meeting for a more convenient time.


I'm flexible on the cuisine and date/time. If this would be OK with you, please get in touch with me so we can set something up.


We here at IPK would like to extend to you our heartfelt congratulation on your recent wedding. May the future hold only the best for you and new spouse.


We here at IPK look forward to wishing you many more happy birthdays in the future, too.


We here at IPK were pleased to learn of your recent promotion.


This is just a quick note to let you know that we successfully received your most recent correspondence. Thank you for your timely response. We will be touch with you shortly.


Greeting from Seoul, Korea.


Firstly, I would like to thank you for your prompt and courteous reply to my request.

I will contact you within ten (10) business days regarding our decision.


As you will be in Seoul, I would like to take this opportunity to invite you and your colleagues to a private fashion show.

Kindly let me know if you would like to attend, as reservations must be made in advance.


We at IPK were deeply saddened to learn of your recent loss of your father. Our sincerest condolences go out to you and you family.

It is at times like these that the distance separating us seems especially great. If there is anything that we can do for you, however, please do not hesitate to call on us. You have always been there for us, and we would like to be there for you.

With our deepest sympathy


The consolation here is that my company was very impressed by you and with the products your company manufactures. While we cannot do business with you now, I am sure you will agree that our opportunity to meet and begin a business relationship was profitable in itself.


I wanted to take this opportunity to thank you for the kindness and hospitality you and your company extended me during my recent visit to New York, You made it possible for me to have an enjoyable and productive trip.

Also, it should not go without saying that I was impressed with your company's product innovations. The private demonstration that you provided was very professional, and furnished me with a wealth of information that I will now relay to my company. I will also inform the president of my company of the interest generated by your product at the exhibition.

Our doors are always open to you here in Seoul. It would be a pleasure to return your kindness by introducing you to the sites, sounds, and tastes of Seoul. Please do not hesitate to contact me should you care to arrange for a visit.


Congratulation on your recent success at the KOEX… The products that you displayed were truly on the cutting edge of modern technological innovation, and your professional staff, impressive.

Kindly contact me as soon as possible so that we may arrange a mutually convenient meeting time and place.



If possible, rooms should be adjoining or on the same hall, and all computer and Internet ready. Additionally, this party will be authorized to charge any related business and meal expenses to their rooms. Should you confirm the ability to provide rooms for this party, authorization for the billing of expenses to our company will be provided.

Also, it would be convenient and greatly appreciated if you could arrange to have this delegation met at the airport and transported to your hotel.

Please feel free to contact me at any time should you require additional information.


Should her account exceed this amount, please contact this office for approval before any additional charges are accrued.

Thank you in advance for your special consideration of this individual and her needs.

We hope to make her visit to our company and our city most enjoyable and memorable.



Hopefully you will interpret the recognition and admission of this error as a demonstration of good will on our part. We are grateful for your business and in no way would want to damage our business relationship.


It would be very helpful if you could forward any literature related to your new product technology so that we may acquaint ourselves with it prior to the demonstration.


Thank you for your cooperation in addressing this matter as quickly as possible.
















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