Redesign your brain

비즈니스 영어 이메일 팀장님은 어떻게 할까, 문혜랑 본문

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비즈니스 영어 이메일 팀장님은 어떻게 할까, 문혜랑

bangla 2016. 5. 12. 18:20

We would like to provide any assistance you might require in your project.


Our responsive service and support keeps your critical business computing systems up and running. When there 's a problem, we're here in a flash. Speedy repair or replacement minimize downtime and keep your business going.


We value your feedback.


Your cooperation is very much appreciated.


Your patronage is important to us, and we thank you for responding to our payment queries.


We look forward to conitnuing our business relationship and providing you with all of your office supply needs.


I am writing because I feel that communication between us is deteriorating and will soon affect my ability to continue doing business with your firm.


We cannot extend the deadline any further nor can we delay this publication any longer.


The submission deadlines need to be met so we can meet our shipment schedule.


We value your business, hope this is a satisfactory solution, and thank you for the opportunity serve you.


I am writing in response to your email of March 31. in which you described your frustration in dealing with one of our employees.


I apologize for the treatment you received and want to assure you that it does not reflect the quality of service we strive to maintain.


In this busy world of ours, it's gratifying when people take time to help others. It's for this reason that I'm writing to thank you.


I am very happy that your achievement have been acknowledged by your business peers.


I wish you all the best.


I'm certain it's going to be a wonderful, new phase of life for you.


I would like to recommend without reservation my former Junior Analyst.


I hope it will be an enthusiatic yes.


We were very impressed with your ideas about our products design and your suggestion for growth for our company.


I am pleased to announce that a cach award has been approved for your for your exceptional work performance during fiscal year 2011.


Please accept my sincerest congratulations on a job well done.


Our company is one of the security industry's largest fabless company and most preeminent international firms.


If you are not completely satisfied, just return the item for a full refund or replacement, whichever your prefer.


Thank you for your patience in the transitions to a new sales represnative.


Kook is taking over my position in the .. as Manager.


I feel certain that Kook will thoughtfully address your concerns about our project with the same honesty and knowledge that you've come to expect from ABC.

